Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Seven more weeks!

Time is really ticking and I am bad at blogging. I guess with my schedule I just don't have time. I am actually in my last 7 weeks of my pregnancy. Titus Immanuel Graham is due December 23. So, we are definitely going to have a holiday baby. Now we have started the exciting time of getting his room ready and anticipating the birth of the little one. On another note, my college classes are winding down. I am now in the last few weeks and then finals. My finals are at the beginning of December so hopefully Titus will come after the tests, but if not my teachers are going to work with me.

I am really anticipating the holiday season since there will be a new birth this year. Jason and I will be celebrating both Thanksgiving and Christmas in TN since my due date is near Christmas. I guess this year, I will have to learn how to make some good food. Well, I hope to post more pictures of the showers in both TN and KY is the next few weeks. I hope all of you are doing well.

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