Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More Titus Pictures and Merry Christmas!!!

Titus Graham

Titus Immanuel Graham came exactly a month early on November 23rd at 12:35pm. It was a long labor for Holly that resulted in a c-section. Holly and Titus spent about a week in the hospital. Even though Titus weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces he was still considered a preemie because he was born in the 35th week of pregnancy.
Life is definitely different and challenging for the Grahams. Every day is different and every minute. He is growing like a weed and becoming more alert each day. Titus is a true blessing that came near Thanksgiving instead of Christmas but is a true holiday gift.
As for Holly, having him early did conflict some with school and finishing up for the semester. But praise the Lord, she finished and finished with all A's. Here are some pictures of the new bundle of joy that we would like to share with you.